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App Analytics You Need

There is a lot of important data which the app store won’t collect automatically for you. Apple will tell you how many people downloaded your app and how much money you made, but that’s about it. Luckily, the free market has created a lot of solutions in the form of...

How To Make a Website For Your App

When making an app, one of the most obvious things you’re going to need is a website.  One of everyone’s first concerns when making an app is asking, “What does it take to make a website?” Actually, having a website isn’t even technically necessary.  Your app already...

Make Money by Setting Your App Free for a Day

People love free stuff.  A great way to boost sales for your app for free is to set it your app free for a day.  Yes, making your app free for a day can increase dollars for the next three months. Like any other discount or promotion, if you prepare and publicize it...

How To Make a Press List

Every app developer needs to contact the press. To get started doing this, you need is a mailing list comprised of news outlets, blogs, review websites, and any media outlet with a connection to your audience.  This is the list that you’ll contact when you have...

3 Questions to Ask Your Users

We’ve talked a lot about the importance of user feedback at so far, but the topic deserved it’s own blog post. So you need to interact with your signups to validate your idea; ask them questions, talk to them about the actual problem they’re experiencing. ...

Market Your App - Before It’s Too Late

Man, what a sensationalist headline! Many think this when they see headlines this sensationalist.  Unfortunately, in this case, it’s entirely warranted.  Poor or no marketing for an app before it’s release can mean the difference between success and...
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